Everyday Heroes

These are just a few faces of children with the same diagnosis as Maje. Children from all countries of the world, whose lives and daily routine depend on the circumstances and knowledge of the adults around them; more than healthy children. Actually, there are many more children than the internet and social media can show. Because many children with muscle disease have no or limited access to medical help. Often parents don't even know why the child can't walk, why he is too weak to stand or sit. Why his condition is getting worse and how they can help their child. That's why this post goes out to all the CMD families of the world.

To all families with children with muscular diseases in the world

We all master a complex everyday life. We make sure that our children can participate in social life despite their limitations. They go to kindergarten or school, meet friends and have hobbies. Implementing our everyday life and medical care requires maximum strength from us.
We organize aids, have all kinds of doctor’s appointments and make logistical decisions.
Along the way, we worry about our child’s health. What will his condition be like next year? Will he still be able to walk or stand on his own? Will he still be able to eat on his own? Will he still be able to breathe on his own? Will he be in pain? And what will be left of life then if the ability to move is further restricted?

Carmela (6), Youssif (3), Madison (7), Levi (6), Benjamin (7), Lukas (1), Lian (4), Dimitri (5), Malva (8), Alice (3), Maje (7), Christian (4), Adma (5), Daniel (11), Michaela (12), Nikoleta (9), Sophie (21, Isaiah (5).

This ❤️ goes out to all CMD families. There are many more of us than the web can show. Thousands worldwide. In our thoughts and in all of our hearts, we share the same concerns and the same hope: to stop the progression of the disease and to be able to give our children a future.

Many parents do not have the opportunity to take care of fundraising for research in addition to their daily lives.

If you want to support us, you will support all LMNA children worldwide and give them and their families hope.

Support muscle disease research with your donation. Thank you.
